Saturday , July 27 2024


Public project of Business Institute of Georgia –

The aim of the joint project of Georgian Business Institute and the First Consulting Company is to facilitate communication between Georgian and foreigner entrepreneurs, also to promote business in Georgia for foreign businesses. On the web portal there will be integrated into one area the ​​practical information for non-Georgian entrepreneurs. Information about Georgia (economic review of Georgia, country profile, ...) , Georgia's economic review, market reviews, information about governmental programs for Promotion Entrepreneurship, legislative regulation...

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Georgia in International Rankings

The article is based on the information of PMCG (Policy and Management Consulting Group). Positions in international rankings are an important indicator of how a country is performing with regard to its economic, social and political environment. In this bulletin, Georgia’s positions in international rankings and their dynamics will be reviewed based on recent data. Georgia was ranked 67th among 137 countries in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index in 2017, 9th among 190 countries in the Ease of Doing Business ranking in 2017, 68th among 127 countries..

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Democracy Index: 2017

The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index provides a snapshot of the state of democracy worldwide for 165 independent states and two territories. The Democracy Index is based on five categories: electoral process and pluralism; civil liberties; the functioning of government; political participation; and political culture. Based on its scores on a range of indicators within these categories, each country is then itself classified as one of four types of regime: “full democracy ”; “flawed democracy ”; “hybrid regime”; and “authoritarian regime”. In the 2017 Democracy Index the average...

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Information in Alliances

The SDC funded Alliances Lesser Caucasus Programme of Mercy Corps Georgia has facilitated interventions related to agricultural information since 2008. It has reached at least 279,217 individuals and their households. The estimates are conservative and do not allow for a copying rate between people which is estimated to be 2.6 other people receiving information for every person who has directly read or watched information. The programme is currently focused on maximizing scale and deepening outreach to rural producers and inhabitants and changing how agriculture is reported...

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Bio Security Points Survey

After identifying the Animal Movement Route (AMR) as a key constraint for the development of the Georgian sheep sector and as a lynchpin for the development of a national animal disease control strategy, the Alliances Lesser Caucasus Programme (ALCP) has advocated the improvement of the Animal Movement Route (AMR) at all levels of government, civil society and private sector stakeholders through the programme Advisory Committee since 2012. As a result, an MOU was signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and National Food Agency and Mercy Corps...

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Tourism in Georgia: 2017

In January – December, 2017 the number of international arrivals in Georgia amounted to 7,554,936, showing an increase of 18.8% compared to the same period of previous year. Out of the total number of visits, 3,478,932 lasted longer than 24 hours (+ 27.9%). The majority of foreign travelers were Armenian (+14.8%), Azerbaijanian (+11.2%), Russian (+34.1%), Turkish (-0.8%)  and Iranian (+118.3%). A positive trend in arrivals was also observed among citizens of the European Union countries. A notable increase was registered of British +39.9%...

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Building Access to Finance for Female and Male Farmers

In 2011, the ALCP (Alliances Caucasus Programme) linked it’s access to finance output with its access to nutrition output (i.e. the hay making machinery equipment needed by SSLP’s to remove a key nutritional constraint to dairy and meat production). High costs and limited or expensive credit meant difficulties in replacing outdated machinery inputs which performed poor and costly hay making services for farmers. Many farmers could not take loans for purchasing livestock, farm inputs, machinery and land due to the high interest rates.

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Support of Entrepreneurial Education

Supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria, and working in partnership with the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), this project aims at strengthening entrepreneurship education in Georgian Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions. In order to do so, the study considers European best practices in teaching entrepreneurship and analyzes the current situation of entrepreneurship education in Georgian VET ...

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“Film in Georgia”

In June 2014 the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, together with the Ministry of Agriculture, launched a new government program "Produce in Georgia”. The program is directed towards the entrepreneurship development through establishing new enterprises, advancing existing ones and promoting entrepreneurial culture in the country. The program also focuses on increasing the competitiveness of the private sector and enhancing country’s export potential.

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Economic Review of Georgia

Ministry of Finance of Georgia, together with the National Bank of Georgia and the National Bureau of Statistics, is responsible for measurement and distribution of country’s economic and financial indicators. Georgia has been a member of Special Standards of data distribution of IMF since May 17, 2010. The webpage of Ministry of Finance of Georgia combines sections about Macroeconomic Analysis, Tax Revenues, Medium-Term Projections and Publications.

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