Saturday , July 27 2024


Rating: Travel and Tourism Competitiveness

The World Economic Forum has, for the past 11 years, engaged leaders in travel and tourism to carry out an indepth analysis of the Travel and Tourism competitiveness of 136 economies across the world. The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index measures “the set of factors and policies that enable the sustainable development of the travel and tourism sector, which in turn, contributes to the development and competitiveness of a country”. According to the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness report, Georgia has improved its ranking in 2017...

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Monthly Salary: 2016

The average monthly salary in Georgia was 940 GEL (about $379.34/€324.26*) in 2016, shows the latest data published by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat). Last year, Georgia’s top three highest-paying occupations were in the fields of financial intermediation (1,834.9 GEL), public administration (1,326.8 GEL) and construction 1,283.3 GEL. Last year the average monthly salary per other sectors was:...Meanwhile, men earned almost 386 GEL more than women each month, the figures show.

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Employment and Unemployment in 2016

In 2016, the number of active workers in Georgia was 1,998,325, out of which 1,763,265 were employed, and the number of unemployed was 235,060. 42.3% were employed by employers, 57.3% - self-employed (0.4% status is unclear). Unemployment rate was 11.8% in 2016. The employment structure according to the status is as follows:... Status data by sex is as follows (thousand people):... Data by regions is as follows (thousand people):...In 2016, 262,200 people worked in the state sector (14.9%) and 1,501,100 people (85.1%) were employed in the non-state sector.

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DCFTA: Food Safety

The EU and Georgia signed an Association Agreement on 27 June 2014. It has entered into force since 1 July 2016. The agreement introduces a preferential trade regime – the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA). This regime increases market access between the EU and Georgia based on having better-matched regulations. In …

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Business Register: By Ownership Type

The table below shows the business entity destribution in Georgia by ownership type. Based on the data of September 1, 2017, there are 664,057 registered business entities in Georgia, out of which only 173,629 are active. The economic unit is active if it meets one of the following criterias: Turnover …

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Rating: World Economic Forum – Global Competitiveness Index

Global Competitiveness Index of World Economic Forum defines the competition environment of 138 countries and the driving sources of their productivity and well-being. Index is prepared on the basis of 3 index (and 12 indicators) analysis. They are: Key factors: Institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic environment, healthcase and primary education Efficiency enhancing …

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How to Export From Georgia

Georgia has dramatically simplified licensing and permitting requirements to ease constraints on business. The  total number  of  licenses  and  permits was reduced by 84% in reforms that eliminated 756 licenses and permits and streamlined procedures. Currently, licenses and permits are only used for the production of highly risky goods and services, along with usage …

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Georgian Tea Market

Price of raw tea was around 2.50 GEL / kg. in 2016. As of June 2017, the following products were presented on the market: 25-100 packages of teabags, 50-75-100-grams of loose tea packs. Assortment of black tea is bigger than green tea. Assortment of teabags is bigger than loose tea packs (the number of leaf tea is the smallest). Black tea is the best selling tea, than the green tea. Loose tea packs are the best selling items after the teabags. Number of Georgian and foreign producers are approximately the same. The varieties of tea produced by foreign producers are presented in more shops than Georgian ones. 

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DCFTA: Public Services

The EU and Georgia signed an Association Agreement on 27 June 2014. It has entered into force since 1 July 2016. The agreement introduces a preferential trade regime – the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA). This regime increases market access between the EU and Georgia based on having better-matched regulations. Government …

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Tourism in Georgia: Accommodation Means – July, 2017

3,978,657 international tourists entered Georgia in January-July 2017, and the total number of domestic visitors has made up around 3 million in the first quarter of the year. In total, 1,927 accommodation facilities for tourists and internal visitors were operating by the end of July 2017 with 26,869 rooms and 65,124 beds. 45 new hotels have been opened in Georgia in the first seven months of 2017, and 201 hotels have been under construction...Number of hotels opened in the first seven months of 2017 according to the regions is as follows:

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