Friday , February 14 2025

Georgian Tea Market

Tea leaves production

3,000 tons of tea leaves were produced in Georgia in 2016. Indicators are as follows according to the regions in 2014-2016:

Production (thousand Ton) 2014 2015 2016
Adjaria 0.2 0.9 0.8
Guria 0.4 0.4 0.4
Imereti 0.0 0.0 0.7
Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti 1.2 0.8 1.1
Total 1.8 2.1 3.0

More than 1,400 tons of tea varieties were exported from Georgia and 1.3 times more tea were imported to Georgia in 2016. The average prices of exported and imported products are significantly different from each other.

Data Export Import
Mass (kg.)  1,455,974  1,888,807
Value ($) 1,275,865 6,452,439
Averige Price of 1 kg ($/kg.)  0.88  3.42
Products and prices

Price of raw tea was around 2.50 GEL / kg. in 2016.

As of June 2017, the following products were presented on the market: 25-100 packages of teabags, 50-75-100-grams of loose tea packs. Assortment of black tea is bigger than green tea. Assortment of teabags is bigger than loose tea packs (the number of leaf tea is the smallest).

Black tea is the best selling tea, than the green tea. Loose tea packs are the best selling items after the teabags.

Number of Georgian and foreign producers are approximately the same. The varieties of tea produced by foreign producers are presented in more shops than Georgian ones.

Prices of 25 pieces teabags (50 grams) packages provided in the shops were at the rate of 2.20-4.90 GEL for green tea. The same prices are for the black tea (2, 30-4.20 GEL). 100 grams of green loose tea were in the middle of 2.60-11.5 GEL, the same prices were for black tea (2.80-11.50 GEL).


The article is based on the data  of National Statistics of Georgia and Ministry of Finance of Georgia

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