Monday , February 10 2025

DCFTA: Export Help Desk

The EU and Georgia signed an Association Agreement on 27 June 2014. It has entered into force since 1 July 2016. The agreement introduces a preferential trade regime – the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA). This regime increases market access between the EU and Georgia based on having better-matched regulations.

Export Help Desk
When exporting products to EU countries, interested persons can obtain information about specific requirements and fees for specific products via a flexible search system (Export Helpdesk > My export).In order to look up information, the user will need to input the following information in relevant fields: product code, country of origin (Georgia), and the name of the country where export is to be carried out. The website will display information regarding fixed fees (VAT, excise), specific requirements (license, permits, etc.) and rules of origin.


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