Tuesday , January 21 2025

Business Register: by Kind of Economic Activity

Based on the data of September 1, 2017, there are 664,057 registered business entities in Georgia, out of which only 173,629 are active.

The economic unit is active if it meets one of the following criterias:

  • Turnover > 0 (VAT, income and other declarations)
  • Number of Employees > 0 (VAT, income and other declarations)
  • Salary or number of employees> 0 (Salary announcements)
  • Has a profit or loss (profit declaration)
  • Pays any tax except for property taxes

The table below shows the business entity destribution in Georgia by kind of activity.

kind of activity Number of entities Active %
TOTAL 664,057 173,629 100
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 6,464 1,582 1
Fishing, Fish-breeding 382 121 0.1
Mining and quarrying 1,389 631 0.2
Manufacturing industry 29,818 12,247 4.5
Electricity, gas and water supply 474 142 0.1
Construction 16,397 6,603 2.5
Trade; repair of motor vehicles and personal and household goods 131,653 61,868 19.7
Hotels and restaurants 12,693 5,880 1.9
Transport and communication 18,385 9,057 2.8
Financial intermediation 3,714 1,849 0.6
Real estate, renting and consumer services 25,927 13,432 3.9
Public administration 1,785 419 0.3
Education 6,554 4,211 1
Health and social work 5,491 2,971 0.8
community, social and personal service activities 19,249 5,384 2.9
Activity unknown 383,682 47,232 57.7



The source of the article is geostat.ge (National Statistics Office of Georgia).

Copyright on the material is protected. In case of it’s full or partial publication, please indicate at it’s beginning – “Source: business.org.ge”



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